Miyamoto Electric Horn - Automotive Horn, Relay, Buzzer and ECU|Product Design & Development

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Product Design & Development

Structural design, circuit design, development, prototyping and experiments ― all performed in-house to respond flexibly to customer needs

Structural designing, circuit designing, development, prototype making and experiment

Miyamoto has established an operation process to strictly observe specifications, functions and schedules set by customers based on close collaboration among relevant departments.

Design evaluation to ensure reliability

Automotive parts are required to be highly durable for use in harsh environments and to conform with regulations of where the vehicle equipped with such parts is destined.
We have established an evaluation system utilizing endurance test facilities, measuring instruments and an anechoic chamber which can meet the latest regulations and operational environments of each country.
  • Anechoic chamber

    Anechoic Chamber

  • Vibration testing machine

    Vibration Testing Machine