- Message from the President
Message from President
MIYAMOTO ELECTRIC HORN is a manufacturer of electrical components and has been supporting the automotive industry for 150 years. We have carried on the spirit of translating customers' dreams for a safe and prosperous society into visible 'Products', which allows us to continue to build trust with customers.
At the same time, ever-advancing information technology is diversifying needs in environmental, social and economic fields. In order to meet a variety of such needs, we believe making use of our expertise in the automotive industry creates new business opportunities and consequently contributes to a safe and prosperous society.
We all, as a company, strive to support human safety with reliable technology and keep fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities.
Corporate Philosophy & Vision
Corporate Philosophy
1. Cherish harmony among people.
2. Encourage originality and ingenuity in work.
3. Create excellent products.
1. Become an environmentally-friendly auto parts manufacturer.
2. Strive to achieve technological development and high quality objectives.
3. Generate local employment to prosper together with local communities.
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